Bronze Sculptor, John M.Soderberg PhD
John M. Soderberg, Ph.D.,
Service and Achievement
- Painted and Sculpted since age five in India
- Best of Show, High School art show, Bangkok, Thailand, 1967
- Honorable Discharge, United States Marine Corps, 1973
- Volunteer, Arizona Family halfway house, 1974
- Taught Martial Arts as therapy to challenged children and adults
- Made logo jewelry for service organizations, 1974-1975
- Began teaching Sculpture to individuals and groups, 1977
- Artist in Residence, Northern Arizona University, 1980
- Assistance against Apartheid in South Africa for Amnesty International, 1985
- Assistance against war atrocities targeting children in Soviet occupied Afghanistan, 1985
- Assistance against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, Washington, D.C., 1985
- Jubilee Year Distinguished Alumni Award, N.A.U., 1990
- Kiwanian of the Year, Camp Verde, AZ, 1990-1991, assistance to benefit local community
- President, Red Rocks Arts Council, Sedona, AZ, 1991-1992
- Two year Board Member of the Verde Valley Shelter for Domestic Abuse, mid 90s
- Supporter / Board Member of Victory Ranch shelter for at risk children, mid 90s
- Original member and 23 years of service with Rancho Feliz, Scottsdale based non-profit support group (three orphanages in Mexico, 40 Duplex housing project, child-care center, soup-kitchen for children, medical, dental, rest home, famine relief for Tarahumara Indians in Copper Canyon, Mexico
- Official Santa Claus for Rancho Feliz, fifteen years
- Three Sculptural donations to benefit Rancho Feliz
- Assistance to Southwest Arts in Action, Sedona, AZ, late 90s
- Ordained by Dr. Robert Schuller, founder of the Crystal Cathedral, Orange County, CA, 1997
- Doctorate in Humane Letters, Northern Arizona University, 1998
- Northern Arizona University Centennial Alumni Award, late 90s
- Assistance to benefit N.A.U. Education, late 90s
- Assistance to support The Status of Women, N.A.U., late 90s
- Assistance to support Valley Big Brothers and Sisters, 2002
- Donation of studio space, mentoring, help to benefit Sedona Buddhist Community for the 35 ft. high Stupa Project, 2004
- Assistance to benefit International Film Festival, Sedona, AZ, 2004
- Assistance to benefit JCS Synagogue, Sedona, AZ, 2006
- 12 ft. high Sculptural donation, Rancho Feliz, Agua Prieta, Mexico, 2006
- Knighted by Swedish Count Ulf Hamilton and honorably inducted into the Hamilton family, 2006
- Assistance to “Free the Slaves” organization, 2008
- Boardmember, Verde Valley Sanctuary, 2009
- Assistance to Camp Soaring Eagle for seriously ill children, Sedona, AZ, 2009
- Assistance to Free the Slaves organization, 2009
- Assistance to Rancho Feliz, 2009, Rider/ participant in the Bitahoche Fund-raiser, 2009
- Teaching at various art academies, workshops, and privately for 25+ years
- Mentorship of 20 to 30 professional sculptors, also apprentices, students, protégés
- Inventions and innovations to advance the state of the art of sculpture include: Classic Clay (now used by many sculptors world wide,) pioneered armature concepts and working techniques for Classic Clay, multi-colored patinas with sealing techniques, fragmentation concepts, tools for sculpting the human eye, pre-cast sales technique, innovations in texture, hair, drapery techniques, and more.
- Completion of many Sculptural commissions of notable historical or culturally influential persons
- 30 years of fine-art sculpture designed to document, encapsulate and convey the timeless power and drama of the human experience and potential